2 mins read


  • You have to learn about yourself

Learning about yourself entails the act of finding the real you, do things for yourself, know your hobbies, do them well, because something that is worth doing, of course, is worth doing well.

  • Imagine and create your life goals

Write down your dreams and aspirations, your major goals, this will not only guide as to achieving your life goals, but also help in reaching your full potentials.

discover yourself

  • You have to realize that your thoughts are unique from others

Thinking differently about your future distinguishes you from other people’s idea, and knowing that achieving your dreams exclusively depends on you, makes you work harder towards realizing these goals.

  • Rely on yourself

Confidence and self-reliance are the first and best priority in finding yourself. If you do not have a solid sense of self-worth and you listen to what others have to say, people may tend to control your mind, therefore, imagesyou loose your own sense of reasoning and no doubts, your self-realization will diminish. So, learn to believe in yourself and trust your own judgements, as well as, your feelings. Remember, be patient in your thinking and also be confident in your abilities.

  • Take responsibilities

Taking responsibilities doesn’t necessarily mean you should pay your school fees all by yourself, but, accepting your faults and take to necessary EmilysQuotes.Com-chance-life-inspirational-Tina-Panossiancorrections, by doing this, you will make people perceive you as someone of dignity.

  • Be morally clean

Develop your own moral conduct and practice to stick to it. If you have any bad habit, try to overcome it by giving yourself a pre-requisite; through this, you can be a better person.


  • Be organized

Clean your surroundings, discipline yourself and also do your homework and your projects when you are supposed to

  • Find a role model/mentor

This mentor will stand in as  a guide for you, whenever you need to be encouraged or when you are confused. Finding a mentor requires finding a good one, someone with right potentials, responsible and reliable.


  • Abandon the negatives

Find-Yourself-and-Be-Happy-With-ItYou have to always stay on the positive side of life, avoid any form of negativity. Always stay positive.

  • Pray

Prayer is the key to all situations. You can’t take a step ahead without praying. Therefore, pray before embarking on discovering yourself. Through prayer, discovering yourself will be made easy.

5 thoughts on “DISCOVER YOURSELF

  1. Very Engaging Writeup. Abandoning The Negatives And Being Organized Are Very Important In Discovering Yourself

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