Ogooluwa Wins as St. Catherine’s celebrates International Girls Day
The international day of the Girl child was on Thur. 11th October, 2018. St. Catherine’s College also observed the day. The Principal of the school (Mrs. Janet Egbuna) was given an opportunity to give a lecture on Child Sexual Abuse at Frontliner College.
The programme was well attended by all the female students and staff of frontliners college. There was also a seminar on Personal Hygiene by Mrs Oba (St. Catherines Nur/Pry School). Alot of questions was asked by the female students.
The Proprietress of Frontliners commended the facilators for a job well done.
Meanwhile, there was a competition on the schools blog last week which got St. Catherines students busy online. At the end of day, the winner of the competition was Ogooluwa Dimboye – a students of J.S.S1B. She got eveyone surprised this morning when her name emerged as the winner of the !st Edition of St. Catherines online competition. She was given a price. She sure has a future ahead of her.
The students awaits the 2nd edition of the competiotion in November. Happy International Girls Day.
Cogratulations to Ogoluwa
Well done. Ogo
Well done, Ogo and keep it up