Security can be defined as measures put in place to ensure safety of lives and properties. There are different types of security. We have security put in place to ensure safety of human beings against kidnappers, ritualist, hired assassin, against food poisoning, against accident and so on. We also have security measures to protect properties and valuables such as buildings, document and government installation and sabotage.
Children are generally victims of attack and as such needed to be guided. Security tips for children are those step children must take to safe guide them from dangers.
Below are some of the security tips for children.
i. Do not follow strangers
ii. Do not eat other peoples food, it might be poisoned
iii. Do not go out unless your parent knows about it.
iv. Do not open the door or gate for strangers when your parents are not at home.
v. Always know your parent phone number by heart.
vi. When you are crossing the road look right, left and right again before crossing.
vii. Do not talk while eating.
viii. Do not give our information about were your parent work, what they have and where they live to outsiders.
Lastly children should always obey their parents and guardians. This would help them to stay safe from the evil of this present world or the society.
Williams Dorcas