It’s that big day. Auditioning in front of judges to get into a talent show, or performing in your schools musical. You get the butterflies in your stomach and you start to feel weighed down and shake. A lot of people feel that way when performing, singers and other people. They may not look it because they are overcoming it, and here’s how
Practice Makes Perfect: The reason why most people get stage fright is fearing they’re gonna make a mistake. So, if you know your song inside and out, the anxiety should go down. Make sure you choose a song that fits your vocal range (you could add a note out of your range to wow your audience! And make sure its what you can handle but, don’t strain your throat!)
Warm Up: This article is based on singing (but some of these tips apply for all areas). Sing a scale in your range and go from there. When you’re in public you can hum to warm up your voice. Humming can be used if you’re speaking also and is a great and advantageous substitute for singing your scales. Also, if your song doesn’t go in a scale order or if you want a challenge, try singing the solfa notes (do, re mi fa so la ti do) and etc. Or you can practice dynamics with your voice and etc.
The D day! Make sure you don’t drink milk this day. Due to its coagulating nature, it clogs up your throat. Instead drink water. Make sure you warm up and run through your song a few times (don’t do it to much because you will strain your throat!). While waiting to perform, breathe slowly. Don’t talk to anyone who will distract you, discourage you or shift you away from your focus. Do calm exercises like yoga, deep breathing, and etc. Thirty seconds or so before you go on. Drink a small gulp of water and stay quiet. You might be REALLY nervous. When you perform, look slightly above the audience, judges. You may try looking at the wall or emptiness behind them to chill your nerves and . So you’ll be performing to the wall!
Its alright to make mistakes. While performing or practicing, if you make mistakes then don’t be hard on yourself. Take it easy. If you give that mistakes too much of attention its most likely going to drive you to make more mistakes. So when you make a mistake while you are performing…
- Accept that you made a mistake.
- Move on.
Have fun! As clichéd as this is, have fun! You’re doing something you love! Put your heart into it! But if you mess up, that’s ok. Everybody makes mistakes. If you stay calm about it. They might not have noticed. If your voice cracked, it’s not the end of the world!
THis Is Very GOOd
That’s just it my pple
Keep it up
This is an impressive article. Welldone.
This is an outstanding information. Keep it up.
This is an amazing article. keep it up.
This is an outstanding article. Keep it up
That was a very nice article
This post can help develop people.
Nice post
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