When you begin your period you might become self-conscious about yourself and start having many thoughts which may make you feel uncomfortable. Thought like Oh God everybody knows I’m on! Why do I have to wear this diaper- like contraption? Why am I a girl? Am I going to go through this every month? Am I stained? Remember that these are all normal. You are not alone. Many girls are going through the same thing.
Here are five tips to make this transition to womanhood easier:
- Know your period: Take note of how many days you bleed, how many days you have between the first day you see your period and the next period and how you feel days before your period. When do you bleed the most? When is your period pain the worst? What makes you feel better or soothes you? This is important because it helps you notice abnormal symptoms and also helps you prepare for the usual symptoms you have.
- Plan ahead: Do you have pads in your bag? How about panty liners and tissues, a change of panties for the occasional overflow? I recommend that every girl gets a cute purse with all these things in them. You will be able to avoid the dreaded stain on your dress and you never know, you might be able to save a friend.
- Be prepared: If your period is irregular you may need to wear a panty liner a day or two before. This will prevent you from getting the dreaded STAIN (face in hands). Similarly, if you have pain regularly you might need to start some form of pain medication a day before your period starts or immediately it starts (consult your doctor and parents). If you bleed heavily on some days you might need to get maxi pads or pads made for heavy flow on those days. At night you might need to wear night pads or maxi pads to prevent waking up with a stain on your sheets or night gown.
- Hygiene is key: Remember to change your pad at least three times a day .You might need to change more frequently than this. Stale blood smells and makes people know you are on. Also keep your panties clean if you get stained try to change your pant immediately and wash your stained underwear. This is not the time to keep your dirty pants in the laundry basket! It is also a good idea to have your bath twice a day during your period.
- Avoid /reduce your intake of certain foods: Salty food will cause water retention and increase bloating (the feeling that you are fatter than you are) pringles anyone? Sugary foods increase inflammation in the body this makes your cramping and pain worse. It also increases your bleeding. Have you noticed that when you take your favorite drink during your period your pads gets soaked faster?
Bonus tip: Not all symptoms you have during your period are normal. If you bleed excessively, feel dizzy or have constant pain that doesn’t go away with medication please see a doctor.
Good job. thanks for the trending tips
Thanks. All the girls have you heard?. Follow this essential tips. Up SCC