1st Position Write, Speak ‘N’ Spell Competition 2018 by ESS-Quizit
The competition is about writing, speaking and spelling. It was organized by ESS – Quizit Media and Educational Consult.
It is an educational consult targeted at growing young leaders on the language skills – reading, writing and speaking.
St. Catherine’s college emerged first position in the Maiden edition last year 2017.
On August 2nd, 2018 at Grand Serene hall, the students who represented the school (Umaru Vanessa, Oladeji Ololade, Atem David, Ameh Sylvia, Koleoso Demilade, Soaga Mariam, Erasmous Blessing, Odeyale Rhoda)
once again,emerged as first position in speaking and writing and Overall best School in all competition
Kudos to St. Catherines College.
good job